President's Pen - February 2015
Posted by Steve Miller
on Feb 11, 2015
As I reflect on the Oyster Roast, I can’t help but think how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful place.
The weather turned out to be great, a Chamber of Commerce night as some would say. The Oyster Roast went off without a hitch thanks to the great work that Tray and Gary did as co-chairs, the tremendous support of the Club members, prospective members, family members and friends pitching in to help. Thanks to all and especially thank you to Tray and Gary. I would also like to give a big shout-out to Larry and Tina Toomer for helping us make this possible.
While I was helping at the beverage ticket sales table I had an opportunity to discuss our Club with some people that were interested in learning more about Rotary and what we are about. These were people in their early thirties. I have been told by more than a few people over the last few weeks that we are unique from most Rotary Clubs because of the diversity in age groups. I think this speaks well for the future of the Club and makes for a very vibrant Club. I encourage each of you to think of each new person you meet as a possible Rotarian and invite them to a meeting. Who knows, that person may be our next events chair or a future President of the Club.
As we move into February, the District is promoting a feed the children project centered around Valentine's Day. The Board decided we would again collect non-perishable food items for the Bluffton High School Food Closet. Please bring your donations to the meeting over the next few weeks and we will deliver what we collect by February 14th.
Dot Jeger and David Hussey are heading up the Bluffton Village Festival this year. The Committee has been put together but if you are interested in being part of the Committee there is always room for more. Please see Dot or David and let them know of your interest.
Yours in Rotary,