Posted on Feb 21, 2018
Barbara Ivey, Vice President of Operations for Coins for Alzheimers Research Trust (CART) and our speaker this morning, shared her personal experiences with Alzheimers and how it affected her family. In sharing, she gave the group good pointers on mistakes to avoid and how best to spend time with loved ones during the time they have left. Alzheimers is one of the top 10 diseases in America causing death - #6 - and we still do not have a real sense of cause, a reversal for the disease and not even a real treatment for this disease. Research only started 20 years ago and was
initially confined to pharmaceutical companies; now research has moved to institutional organizations and information is being freely shared, helping make strides.

The CART fund, started in 1996 by the Sumter Rotary Club and with 21 US District now participating, helps fund research for Alzheimers, just by collecting change in our CART fund buckets each week.  For more information on where your coins go click HERE. Ivey's website on Alzheimer's can be found HERE.

Ivey had a career working for Microsoft, before devoting her time to Alzheimer's awareness and research.